Sttok | Gestión de SociedadesSttok | Gestión de SociedadesSttok | Gestión de Sociedades

Transform your Boards and Meetings management

At Sttok, we understand the importance of boards and meetings for the proper functioning and decision making in a company. With Sttok you will be able to call, manage delegations, voting and generate minutes and certificates digitally and in a few minutes.

Online Call
Delegations Management
Online votes
Automatically generated minute
Ideal for boards with multiple shareholders
Documents certification
Access for Shareholders
Assistance list
Junta accionistas sttok

Boards and councils features

With Sttok you have a digital solution that simplifies, automates and improves the management of boards and meetings.

Online Call

Send calls digitally, ensuring effective and certified communication.

Delegations Management

Voting delegations are easily made online, or from the cell phone, with clarity, security and transparency in the process.

Online votes

Conducts electronic voting with total security, guaranteeing the integrity and accounting of each vote.

Automatic generation of the Call, Minute and Certificate.

Automatic generation of updated documents with attendees, delegations, votes, etc.

Certification of Agreements

Sttok certifies the delegations, list of attendees, voting and management of the signing of the minutes and certificate of the minutes.

Access for shareholders and board members

Each shareholder or board member can have digital access to delegate attendance, vote and consult documents.

Ideal for boards with multiple shareholders

Sttok allows you to simplify the management of meetings with many shareholders.

Automatic calculation and registry

Calculates and generates documentation automatically with the number and % of attendees, votes and result of each issue.

Calls integrated with the calendar

Send calls that are integrated and synchronized with the shareholder's or board member's calendar.

Take board and council management to the next level.

Simplify preparation

With Sttok you can easily prepare and call boards and meetings.

Automatic and digital delegations

Shareholders will be able to delegate their assistance, indicate their vote and sign the delegation through their phones. Sttok manages it automatically so you don't have to waste time.
delegacion en junta de socios o consejos

Clients testimonial

Easily manage boards from 1 to 10.000 people

Digital call certified

With Sttok you can digitally call the board. You will obtain the call certification

Automatic assistance control

Sttok automatically manages assistance control and votes Avoid loosing time and making mistakes with Sttok's feature of Boards.

Want to see an online demo?

Find out how digital management can help you save time and avoid mistakes. Discover all of Sttok’s potential with a personalized demonstration.